35  Introduction

In this module, we demonstrate how to build and execute research-level extensions to EpiModel in order to address new network-based modeling research questions with the software platform. While the network parameterization and simulation remains flexible, to add new epidemic processes requires coding up new “modules” that contain distinct processes within the larger epidemic model.

We first provide an overview of the application programming interface (API) for writing new modules within EpiModel, demonstrate a simple extension by adding a latient (E) state to make an SEIR model out of an SIR model, and then work through a more extensive COVID modeling example.

35.1 Slides

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35.2 Module Learning Objectives

  • Describe the difference conceptually and algorithmically between a “built-in” and an “extension” model in EpiModel.
  • Outline the specific API components of extension models in EpiModel.
  • Execute a simple extension SEIR model.
  • Practice conceptualizing and coding an SEIRS extension module for EpiModel.
  • Practice running an extension model in browser mode for debugging purposes;