3  Introduction to Network Modeling

This module motivates why and how we use network modeling for infectious disease epidemics, setting the groundwork for the remainder of the NME course.

3.1 Module Learning Objectives

  • Review deterministic compartmental models, including strengths and weaknesses
  • Review individual-based (agent-based models), including strengths and weaknesses
  • Demonstrate the importance of partnership patterns for cross-sectional and longitudinal connectivity in networks
  • Define key network terminology, including nodes, links, configurations/subgraphs and components
  • Demonstrate descriptive network analysis (lab: using statnetWeb Rshiny app)
  • Overview of network study design considerations

Bottom line, take-away:

  • Different modeling classes have different strengths and weaknesses
  • Representing networks well matters for many interesting and important aspects of epidemic dynamics
  • Network models are best for representing networks well