24 Introduction
This module builds on the basics of network-based epidemic modeling with TERGMs using EpiModel demonstrated in Module 4. Here, we focus on working with a special group
nodal attribute that can be flexibly used in built-in network models with EpiModel to represent basic population heterogeneity.
We will build an SIR (susceptible-infected-recovered) model on top of a network representation that involves some differences in the degree distribution by group.
24.1 Module Learning Objectives
- Parameterize population heterogeneity in the network degree distribution by dichotomous groups.
- Describe issues with balancing of a degree distribution in a purely disortative mixing network configuration.
- Parameterize an SIR epidemic model in EpiModel.
- Summarize and and visualize group-specific epidemic outcomes from the SIR model.
- Visualize a transmission tree of the epidemic with a phylogram.