13 Fitting ERGMs to Faux Mesa High with statnetWeb (Lab)”
13.1 statnetWeb Introduction
is a web-based interface that provides access to cross-sectional network modeling with the statnet
packages network
, sna
and ergm
. Today we are using this app for the morning sessions on ERGMs.
13.2 Getting Started
Open Rstudio and load statnetWeb
Launch the Shiny app:
13.3 The Lab Assignment
You are going to execute a typical ERGM workflow: fit and assess three models sequentially, using the faux.mesa.high
built in network data.
13.3.1 Start with the edges
only model
on the Data Tab: select the
network dataon the Fit Model tab:
- Add the edges term
- Fit the model
- Save the model
- Interpret the estimated coefficient: calculate the density of the network as a function of the coefficient.
on the MCMC Diagnostics tab
- can you run the dx for this model?
- why or why not?
on the Goodness of Fit tab:
- run the default goodness of fit dx
- interpret the results
13.3.2 Then: repeat these steps, for the following models:
- Add Terms:
nodefactor("Grade") + nodefactor("Race") + nodefactor("Sex")
- Add Terms:
13.3.3 Questions
- For the model with the nodefactor terms added
- interpret each of the coefficients: Significance? Direction? Size? Compared to the other terms?
- compare the goodness of fit to the
only model: which higher order stats look better? which do not?
- For the model with the triangle term added
- use your breakout group Slack channel to report your findings
- discuss