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The goal of slurmworkflow is to provide a way to run complex multi step computations on a slurm equipped HPC.


  • A workflow is a predefined set of computation steps.
  • A computation step is a call to sbatch to be run on the HPC
  • A workflow directory is a directory containing all the code required to run a full workflow on the HPC

By default the steps are run sequentially. But slurmworkflow provides tools for changing the execution order. This allows conditional execution of the steps and loop like behavior.

In this vignette we walk through the creation of a 4 steps workflow showcasing the main utilities provided by slurmworkflow.


Any HPC using slurm as its workload manager should work with slurmworkflow.

HPC tested:

We highly recommend using renv when working with an HPC.

Creating a new workflow


wf <- create_workflow(
  wf_name = "test_slurmworkflow",
  default_sbatch_opts = list(
    "partition" = "epimodel",
    "mail-type" = "FAIL",
    "mail-user" = ""

First we create a new workflow called “test_slurmworkflow” and store a summary of it in the wf object. The second argument specifies that by default each step should run on the “epimodel” partition and send a mail at “” if the step fails.

Calling create_workflow() result in the creation of the workflow directory: “workflows/test_slurmworkflow/” that contains the code to send to the HPC. A workflow summary is returned and stored in the wf variable. We’ll use it to add elements to the workflow.

Adding a step to the workflow

The first step that we use on most of our workflows ensures that our local project and the HPC are in sync.

wf <- add_workflow_step(
  wf_summary = wf,
  step_tmpl = step_tmpl_bash_lines(c(
    "git pull",
    ". /projects/epimodel/spack/share/spack/",
    "spack load r@4.2.1",
    "Rscript -e \"renv::init(bare = TRUE)\"",
    "Rscript -e \"renv::restore()\""
  sbatch_opts = list(
    "mem" = "16G",
    "cpus-per-task" = 4,
    "time" = 120

The add_workflow_step() functions takes three arguments:

  • wf_summary: the object we made with create_workflow(), indicating onto which workflow we want to add a step.
  • step_tmpl: a step template, a helper function defining what to run on the HPC (more on this latter).
  • sbatch_opts: arguments to be passed to sbatch. Here we specify that we want 16GB of RAM, 4 CPUs and that the job should not take more than 120 minutes. The default options defined in create_workflow() will also be used.

The step template we are using here, step_tmpl_bash_lines() takes a vector of bash lines to be run by sbatch on the HPC.

Here we tell the step to: 1. run git pull 2. load our own version of spack and load the R@4.2.1 module 3. ensure that renv is initialized on the project (no effect if its already the case) 4. update the packages to match the renv.lock file

Running R Code directly

As we usually want to run R code and not bash, slurmworkflow provides step templates simplifying this process.

On HPCs, R is usually not available directly. On RSPH HPC we use spack to manage our modules. Therefore, we store the lines used to setup R on the HPC in a variable as it will be used by all R step templates.

setup_lines <- c(
  ". /projects/epimodel/spack/share/spack/",
  "spack load r@4.2.1"

Run code from an R script

Our next step will run the following script on the HPC.

# filename: R/01-test_do_call.R
cat(paste0("var1 = ", var1, ", var2 = ", var2))

if (!file.exists("did_run")) {
  current_step <- slurmworkflow::get_current_workflow_step()
} else {

This very simple script prints the content of var1 and var2 to the standard output. Note that these variables are never declared in the script. We will pass them as arguments to the step template.

The second part checks for the existence of a file called “did_run”. If it does not exist yet, it’s created and we instruct slurmworkflow to change the next step to the current step. This is how you make a loop in slurmworkflow.

If the file exists, which means that it’s the second time this step is run, it removes it. In this case change_next_workflow_step() is not called and the workflow will just continue to the next step.

Let’s now see how we add this script as a workflow step.

wf <- add_workflow_step(
  wf_summary = wf,
  step_tmpl = step_tmpl_do_call_script(
    r_script = "R/01-test_do_call.R",
    args = list(var1 = "ABC", var2 = "DEF"),
    setup_lines = setup_lines
  sbatch_opts = list(
    "cpus-per-task" = 1,
    "time" = "00:10:00",
    "mem" = "4G"

As before we use the add_workflow_step() function. But we change the step_tmpl to use step_tmpl_do_call_script() with 3 arguments:

  • r_script: the path to the script to be run. Here “R/01-test_do_call.R”. Note that this path must be valid on the HPC.
  • args: a list of variables that will be available for the step. These are the var1 and var2 that were missing from the script.
  • setup_lines: some bash code to be run before trying to source the script. These are the lines used to load the R module we defined earlier.

For the sbatch options, we ask here for 1 CPU, 4GB of RAM and a maximum of 10 minutes.

Iterating over values in an R script

One common task on an HPC is to run the same code many time and only vary the value of some arguments.

On a typical R session lapply(), Map() and Mapply() are available for this purpose.

slurmworkflow provides the step_tmpl_map_script() to run a script with a syntax similar to the Map() function. This create an array job where each element of input are processed in parallel.

First let’s take a look at the script to be run.

# filename: R/02-test_map.R
plan(multicore, workers = ncores)

future_lapply(seq_len(ncores), function(i) {
  msg <- paste0(
    "On core: ", i, "\n",
    "iterator1: ", iterator1, "\n",
    "iterator2: ", iterator2, "\n",
    "var1 = ", var1, ", var2 = ", var2, "\n\n"

This script needs 4 undeclared variables: - iterator1 and iterator2: varying values - ncores, var1 and var2: fixed values shared by all replications

As before these values will be set by the step template.

In this script we will print in parallel the message over ncores.

Now for the addition of the step.

cores_to_use <- 2

wf <- add_workflow_step(
  wf_summary = wf,
  step_tmpl = step_tmpl_map_script(
    r_script = "R/02-test_map.R",
    # arguments passed to the script
    iterator1 = seq_len(5),
    iterator2 = seq_len(5) + 5,
    MoreArgs = list(
      ncores = cores_to_use,
      var1 = "IJK",
      var2 = "LMN"
    setup_lines = setup_lines,
    max_array_size = 2
  sbatch_opts = list(
    "cpus-per-task" = cores_to_use,
    "time" = "00:10:00",
    "mem-per-cpu" = "4G"

The step_tmpl_map_script() takes an r_script argument similar to step_tmpl_do_call_script(). The next two arguments iterator1 and iterator2 will be iterated over using sbatch arrays. Each replication of the job will only have one value for each (1-6, 2-7, 3-8, 4-9 and 5-10). Similar to Map(), the MoreArgs argument defines variables to be shared across replication.

A new argument max_array_size as been set to 2. This prevents the array jobs to be of size more than 2. In our case, we have submissions of array sizes 2, 2, and 1. In real analysis situation, the value would be around 500. This argument prevents slurm from refusing a job submission because of the size of the array (a limit of 1000 submission is common). With EpiModel we already had cases where 30000 array jobs were to be run. This template simply submit them in sequential chunks of 500

In the sbatch_opts we specified mem-per-cpu = "4G". This means that if we change the cores_to_use value, the memory asked will scale as well.

To recap, this step will submit an array of 5 jobs, each receiving a different value for iterator1 and iterator2. Each of theses jobs will run over cores_to_use. We use this approach with EpiModel where we run huge arrays of jobs where each job is a set of around 30 parallel simulations. Therefore, we here have 2 levels of parallelization. One in slurm and one in the script itself.

Running an R function directly

Sometimes we want to run a simple function directly without storing it into an R script. The step_tmpl_do_call() and step_tmpl_map() do exactly that for one-of functions and Map()s.

wf <- add_workflow_step(
  wf_summary = wf,
  step_tmpl = step_tmpl_do_call(
    what = function(var1, var2) {
      cat(paste0("var1 = ", var1, ", var2 = ", var2))
    args = list(var1 = "XYZ", var2 = "UVW"),
    setup_lines = setup_lines
  sbatch_opts = list(
    "cpus-per-task" = 1,
    "time" = "00:10:00",
    "mem" = "4G",
    "mail-type" = "END"

The syntax of these two templates is almost identical to the previous two that we discussed. The main difference the first argument where we pass a function instead of a path to a script.

Note: the function will be run in clean R session on the HPC. All the values used by the function must be either created by it, loaded by it or passed as argument.

Finally, as this will be our last step, we override the mail-type sbatch_opts to receive a mail when this step finishes, whatever the outcome. This way we receive a mail telling us that the workflow is finished.

Using the workflow on an HPC

Now that our workflow is created how to actually run the code on the HPC?

We assume that we are working on a project called “test_proj”, that this project was cloned on the HPC at the following path: “~/projects/test_proj” and that the “~/projects/test_proj/workflows/” directory exists.

Sending the workflow to the HPC

The following commands are to be run from your local computer.

MacOS or GNU/Linux

# bash - local
scp -r workflows/test_slurmworkflow <user>


# bash - local
scp -r workflows\test_slurmworkflow <user>

Forgetting set DISPLAY= will prevent scp from working correctly if using the RStudio terminal.

Note that it’s workflows\networks_estimation. Windows uses back-slashes for directories and Unix OSes uses forward-slashes.

Running the workflow from the HPC

For this step, you must be at the command line on the HPC. This means that you have run: ssh <user> from your local computer.

run set DISPLAY= on Windows before if you get this error: ssh_askpass: posix_spawnp: No such file or directory

You also need to be at the root directory of the project (where the “.git” folder is as well as the “renv.lock” file”. In this example you would get there by running cd ~/projects/test_proj. The following steps will not work if you are not at the root of your project.

Running the workflow is done by executing the file “workflows/estimation/” with the following command:

# bash - hpc

If you are using Windows, it may not be executable. You can solve it with the following command:

# bash - hpc
chmod +x workflows/test_slurmworkflow/`

The workflow will not work if you source the file (with source <script> or . <script>).

You can check the state of your running workflow as usual with squeue -u <user>.

The logs for the workflows are in “workflows/test_slurmworkflow/log/”.

The “” script

This start script additionally allows you to start a workflow at a specific step with the -s argument.

# bash - hpc
./workflows/test_slurmworkflow/ -s 3

This will start the workflow at the 3rd step. Skipping steps 1 and 2.

It is sometimes desirable to start the workflow from outside of the project it has to run on. The -d argument allows you to set a different working directory for the workflow.

# bash - hpc
cd /
~/projects/test_proj/workflows/test_slurmworkflow/ -d ~/projects/test_proj

The previous block places us at the root of the file system with cd /. Then we call the “” script using its absolute path and we specify that the working directory for the workflow must be the root of the project.

Remember that for renv to work, R must be called from the directory where the “.Rprofile” file is. It’s the directory where you can also find the “renv.lock” file.


slurmworkflow is a very low level package providing only basic building blocks for complex HPC computation.

This package is used for EpiModel applied projects through higher level functions in EpiModelHPC and swfcalib, an automated calibration system used for our models (WIP).