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Create a new workflow, set up it's directory and return its summary object


create_workflow(wf_name, default_sbatch_opts, wf_common_dir = "workflows")



Name of the new workflow


A named list of default sbatch options for the workflow. The "partition" options is mandatory. (see the SBATCH Options section for details).


Path to the directory where to store the workflows (default = "workflows").


The new workflow summary

SBATCH Options

The sbatch_opts named list accepts all existing arguments to sbatch. It only works with the long form (e.g. "job-name" instead of "J"). The full list of arguments is available in the sbacth documentation. Some arguments like "mem", "mem-per-cpu" and "mem-per-gpu" are mutually exclusive, providing multiple of them will result in an error. However, if one is set at the creation of the workflow in default_sbatch_opts (e.g. "mem") and another at the addition of a step in sbatch_opts (e.g. "mem-per-gpu"), the second one will be used.


if (FALSE) {
wf <- create_workflow(
  wf_name = "dummy-workflow",
  default_sbatch_opts = list(
    "partition" = "dummy_part",
    "account" = "dummy_account"
  wf_common_dir = "workflows"