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swfcalib gives a scaffold to make an automated calibration system on a Slurm equipped HPC. swfcalib relies on slurmworkflow and a stored calibration object to chose which step of the calibration to run. This allows very long calibrations to take place without flooding the slurm queue.

For this vignette we will take as an example a simplified version of one of our epidemic models to showcase swfcalib usage.

This model is a network model simulating HIV circulation in a population of 100k Men who have Sex with Men (MSM).

The model

A single run of our model locally looks like this:


epistats <- readRDS("data/input/epistats.rds")
netstats <- readRDS("data/input/netstats.rds")
est      <- readRDS("data/input/netest.rds")

param <-
  data.frame.params = read.csv("data/input/params.csv"),
  netstats          = netstats,
  epistats          = epistats

init <- init_msm()

control <- control_msm(
  nsteps = 52 * 60,
  nsims  = 1,
  ncores = 1

# The actual simulation happens here
sim <- netsim(est, param, init, control)

In this example, we need to load the EpiModelHIV package, to read 4 files located in a “data/input” folder and to pass 4 parameters to the netsim function.

The result, stored in the sim variable is not directly usable by swfcalib.

Calibration parameters and outputs

For this example, we will focus on 9 parameters to calibrate and 9 outputs to fit to there targets.

There are many more parameters in the model. Some get their values from the literature, other free parameters to be calibrated are ignored for sake of simplicity in this example.


The first outputs are the proportion of HIV individuals who are diagnosed (i.e. aware of their status).

Then is the proportion of HIV diagnosed who started treatment in less than a month after diagnosis.

Finally, the prevalence of diagnosed HIV in the population is our final output of interest.

As our population is race stratified between, black, hispanic and white, we get three time the number of outputs.

Output Name Description Target Value
cc.dx.B Portion of HIV infected who are diagnosed (black) 0.847
cc.dx.H Portion of HIV infected who are diagnosed (hispanic) 0.818
cc.dx.W Portion of HIV infected who are diagnosed (white) 0.862
cc.linked1m.B Linkage to care within 1 month (black) 0.829
cc.linked1m.H Linkage to care within 1 month (hispanic) 0.898
cc.linked1m.W Linkage to care within 1 month (white) 0.881
i.prev.dx.B HIV diagnosed prevalence (black) 0.33
i.prev.dx.H HIV diagnosed prevalence (hispanic) 0.127
i.prev.dx.W HIV diagnosed prevalence (W) 0.084


9 parameters will be calibrated to fit the model to these target values:

  • The weekly probability of being tested for HIV.
  • The weekly probability of starting treatment if diagnosed for HIV.
  • A transmission scaler which is a parameter that encompass all the mechanism affecting transmission that are not explicitly defined in the model.
Parameter Name Description
hiv.test.rate_1 Weekly test rate (black)
hiv.test.rate_2 Weekly test rate (hispanic)
hiv.test.rate_3 Weekly test rate (white)
tx.init.rate_1 Weekly treatment start rate (black)
tx.init.rate_2 Weekly treatment start rate (hispanic)
tx.init.rate_3 Weekly treatment start rate (white)
hiv.trans.scale_1 Transmission scaler (black)
hiv.trans.scale_2 Transmission scaler (hispanic)
hiv.trans.scale_3 Transmission scaler (white)

Relationship between parameters and outputs

Simply by looking at them, we can see that all the parameters do not relate to all the outputs in the same way.

The hiv.test.rate parameters directly relate to the cc.dx outputs (proportion) of diagnosed. Also, no other parameter in our list would affect these outcomes. Therefore, we have 3 one to one relationship. For each race, the test rate will govern the diagnosed proportion.

A similar situation can be described for linkage to care (cc.linked1m) and treatment start rate tx.init.rate. (the denominator is the number of diagnosed individuals, making it independent of cc.dx).

The prevalence (i.prev.dx), on the other hand, depends on all 9 parameters. The proportion of diagnosed influences the number of treated which then influences the number of individuals able to transmit. The scalers then affect directly the transmission for one population. But as they modify the prevalence, they also indirectly influence the transmission in the other sub populations.

However, once the hiv.test.rate and tx.init.rate are calibrated and their values fixed, i.prev.dx only depends on the hiv.trans.scale parameters. Reducing a 9 parameters 3 outputs problem into a simpler 3 parameters, 3 outputs one.

The following graph illustrate these relationships.

Parameters - Output relationship
Parameters - Output relationship

Calibration structure

Knowing these parameters - outputs relationship, we can define a calibration structure to minimize the number of simulations required.

A first wave will calibrate simultaneously the 3 hiv.test.rate and the 3 tx.init.rate parameters. This means that each run of the simulation will test a value for each of these 6 parameters. This idea is similar factorial experiment design and is only possible because of the independence between the parameters and their respective outcomes.

After these 6 parameters are calibrated (i.e. given fixed and final values), the hiv.trans.scale parameters will be calibrated to fit the i.prev.dx outcomes to their target values.

Waves and jobs

To express this structure, we need to define calibration jobs that are going to be run in parallel within several waves.

In our example we will have two waves, the first one for the hiv.test.rate and tx.init.rate parameters and a second for the hiv.trans.scale parameters.


Formally, swfcalib defines a job as a set of parameters to be calibrated by trying to make a set of outcomes reach a set of targets.

Each job needs a function to make the next set of parameter proposals to test as well as a function for checking if the proposals gave sufficiently good results. This latter function is in charge of stopping the calibration process for the current job.


A wave is a set of multiple jobs that can be run in parallel (i.e. independent from one another).

In practice, swfcalib takes the proposals from all the jobs in a wave, combine them and run one simulation per proposal. If you have a 3 job wave, each making 10 proposal, only 10 simulations will be run. On the evaluation step each job will only assess the quality of it’s own outcomes.

Once all the jobs in a wave are finished, the system moves to the next one if any, using the parameters calibrated on the previous ones.

Implementing the model function

Now that we have a good conceptual idea how the calibration will go, we need to make our code compatible with swfcalib.

For the model function it is pretty straightforward. We need a function with this signature:

model <- function(proposal) {
  # simulation code

Where proposal is an one row tibble with each column being a parameter to calibrate. In our case, proposal is a 1 row 9 columns tibble.

And results is a one row tibble where each column is an output for the calibration process. In this case, results must also be a 1 row 9 columns tibble.

Below is the code for our example.

model <- function(proposal) {
  # Load all required elements

  epistats <- readRDS("data/input/epistats.rds")
  netstats <- readRDS("data/input/netstats.rds")
  est      <- readRDS("data/input/netest.rds")

  param <-
    data.frame.params = read.csv("data/input/params.csv"),
    netstats          = netstats,
    epistats          = epistats

  init <- init_msm()

  control <- control_msm(
    nsteps = 52 * 60,
    nsims  = 1,
    ncores = 1

  # Proposal to scenario -------------------------------------------------------
  scenario <- EpiModelHPC::swfcalib_proposal_to_scenario(proposal)
  param_sc <- EpiModel::use_scenario(param, scenario)

  # Run the simulation ---------------------------------------------------------
  sim <- netsim(est, param_sc, init, control)

  # Process the results  -------------------------------------------------------
  results <- as_tibble(sim) |>
    mutate_calibration_targets() |>
    filter(time >= max(time) - 52) |>
      cc.dx.B, cc.dx.H, cc.dx.W,
      cc.linked1m.B, cc.linked1m.H, cc.linked1m.W,
      i.prev.dx.B, i.prev.dx.H, i.prev.dx.W,
    ) |>
    summarise(across( everything(), ~ mean(.x, na.rm = TRUE)))

  # Return the one row `tibble`

Several things are of importance here:

  1. We call library within the function. It is not usual, but we must remember that this will be run on an sbatch job from a clean environment. Therefore, the function must load all the required libraries and files.
  2. We must adapt the proposal to be used by the simulation. In this case, a helper function swfcalib_proposal_to_scenario does it. But simply copying the values from the proposal tibble works as well.
  3. After the simulation, the outputs must be processed to produce a correctly formatted tibble. In this case, we take the mean over the last 52 weeks (1 year) for each of the desired outputs.

As the users of swfcalib, we are responsible for the correct output of model.

Also, model must be a function that run a single simulation and produce a single set of results. This function will be run in parallel to test several proposals at once.

Configuring an swfcalib system

swfcalib maintain a calib_object that store the state of the calibration as well as all it needs to operate. This object is first defined locally and then updated on the HPC as the calibration progresses.

This object is an R list with 3 elements: state, config and waves.

We won’t cover state now as it is created by swfcalib and only edited by it.


config is a list with the following elements:

  • simulator: the function to calibration model in our case
  • root_directory: where the system will store itself on the HPC
  • n_sims: the number of simulations to run in parallel at each iteration
  • max_iteration: the maximum number of iteration before stopping the calibration if a satisfactory state is not found. This is a fail-safe mechanism to avoid consuming HPC resources when the calibration does not work.
  • default_proposal: default values for the calibrated parameters. This fixes the values for the parameters that are to be calibrated in later waves. Once a job is finished, the calibrated value is stored here and used for the next runs
config = list(
  simulator = model,
  root_directory = "data/calib",
  n_sims = n_sims,
  max_iteration = 100,
  default_proposal = dplyr::tibble(
    hiv.test.rate_1   = 0.004123238,
    hiv.test.rate_2   = 0.003771226,
    hiv.test.rate_3   = 0.005956663,
    tx.init.rate_1    = 0.2981623,
    tx.init.rate_2    = 0.3680919,
    tx.init.rate_3    = 0.358254,
    hiv.trans.scale_1 = 2.470962,
    hiv.trans.scale_2 = 0.4247816,
    hiv.trans.scale_3 = 0.3342994


waves is a list of waves, with each wave being a list of jobs

waves = list(
  wave1 = list(
    job1 = list(),
    job2 = list(),
    job3 = list()
  wave2 = list(
    job1 = list(),
    job2 = list()

Calibration jobs

A calibration job is a list with 6 elements:

  1. targets: the name of the outputs to fit (>= 1)
  2. targets_val: the target values
  3. params: the names of the parameters to calibrate (>=1)
  4. initial_proposals: a tibble with the values to be tested for the first run of the simulation.
  5. make_next_proposals: a function that will define which proposals to make next
  6. get_result: a function to define is the calibration is done for this job

We will get into the details of these elements later on.

Below is an example of the job for calibrating the hiv.trans.scale parameters using the i.prev.dx outputs.

job1 = list(
  targets = paste0("i.prev.dx.", c("B", "H", "W")),
  targets_val = c(0.33, 0.127, 0.09),
  params = paste0("hiv.trans.scale_", 1:3),
  initial_proposals = dplyr::tibble(
    hiv.trans.scale_1 = sample(seq(1, 4, length.out = n_sims)),
    hiv.trans.scale_2 = sample(seq(0.2, 0.6, length.out = n_sims)),
    hiv.trans.scale_3 = sample(seq(0.2, 0.6, length.out = n_sims))
  make_next_proposals =
    swfcalib::make_proposer_se_range(n_sims, retain_prop = 0.3),
  get_result = swfcalib::determ_end_thresh(
    thresholds = rep(0.02, 3),
    n_enough = 100

Complete configuration

Below is the complete calib_object defined locally. Note that we define an n_sims variable at the beginning and reuse it all over the configuration to ensure that we have the correct number of proposals at each step.

n_sims  <- 400

calib_object <- list(
  config = list(
    simulator = model,
    default_proposal = dplyr::tibble(
      hiv.test.rate_1   = 0.004123238,
      hiv.test.rate_2   = 0.003771226,
      hiv.test.rate_3   = 0.005956663,
      tx.init.rate_1    = 0.2981623,
      tx.init.rate_2    = 0.3680919,
      tx.init.rate_3    = 0.358254,
      hiv.trans.scale_1 = 2.470962,
      hiv.trans.scale_2 = 0.4247816,
      hiv.trans.scale_3 = 0.3342994
    root_directory = "data/calib",
    max_iteration = 100,
    n_sims = n_sims
  waves = list(
    wave1 = list(
      job1 = list(
        targets = "cc.dx.B",
        targets_val = 0.847,
        params = c("hiv.test.rate_1"), # target: 0.00385
        initial_proposals = dplyr::tibble(
          hiv.test.rate_1 = seq(0.002, 0.006, length.out = n_sims),
        make_next_proposals = swfcalib::make_shrink_proposer(n_sims, shrink = 2),
        get_result = swfcalib::determ_poly_end(0.001, poly_n = 5)
      job2 = list(
        targets = "cc.dx.H",
        targets_val = 0.818,
        params = c("hiv.test.rate_2"), # target: 0.0038
        initial_proposals = dplyr::tibble(
          hiv.test.rate_2 = seq(0.002, 0.006, length.out = n_sims),
        make_next_proposals = swfcalib::make_shrink_proposer(n_sims, shrink = 2),
        get_result = swfcalib::determ_poly_end(0.001, poly_n = 5)
      job3 = list(
        targets = "cc.dx.W",
        targets_val = 0.862,
        params = c("hiv.test.rate_3"), # target: 0.0069
        initial_proposals = dplyr::tibble(
          hiv.test.rate_3 = seq(0.004, 0.008, length.out = n_sims),
        make_next_proposals = swfcalib::make_shrink_proposer(n_sims, shrink = 2),
        get_result = swfcalib::determ_poly_end(0.001, poly_n = 5)
      job4 = list(
        targets = paste0("cc.linked1m.", c("B", "H", "W")),
        targets_val = c(0.829, 0.898, 0.881),
        params = paste0("tx.init.rate_", 1:3),
        initial_proposals = dplyr::tibble(
          tx.init.rate_1 = sample(seq(0.1, 0.5, length.out = n_sims)),
          tx.init.rate_2 = sample(tx.init.rate_1),
          tx.init.rate_3 = sample(tx.init.rate_1),
        make_next_proposals = swfcalib::make_shrink_proposer(n_sims, shrink = 2),
        get_result = swfcalib::determ_poly_end(0.001, poly_n = 3)
    wave2 = list(
      job1 = list(
        targets = paste0("i.prev.dx.", c("B", "H", "W")),
        targets_val = c(0.33, 0.127, 0.09),
        params = paste0("hiv.trans.scale_", 1:3),
        initial_proposals = dplyr::tibble(
          hiv.trans.scale_1 = sample(seq(1, 4, length.out = n_sims)),
          hiv.trans.scale_2 = sample(seq(0.2, 0.6, length.out = n_sims)),
          hiv.trans.scale_3 = sample(seq(0.2, 0.6, length.out = n_sims))
        make_next_proposals =
          swfcalib::make_proposer_se_range(n_sims, retain_prop = 0.3),
        get_result = swfcalib::determ_end_thresh(
          thresholds = rep(0.02, 3),
          n_enough = 100

Proposers and calibration check

As mentioned earlier, each calibration job needs a function to define which proposal to make at the next iteration (make_next_proposals) and a function to assess if the calibration is finished (get_result).

We won’t get into the details of how these functions work but focus instead on their practical use. You can have a look at their respective documentation for more details.

HIV test rate

The 3 jobs related to hiv.test.rate and proportion of diagnosed among infected (cc.dx) use the same approach:

The proposer function is generated by a function factory: make_shrink_proposer(n_sims, shrink = 2). This proposer will shrink the range of proposals by a factor 2 around the best guess so far.

The calibration assessor is made by determ_poly_end(0.001, poly_n = 5). This function uses linear model with a degree 5 polynomial to predict the best value for the parameter. The calibration is considered finished when the predicted value is less than threshold away from the target (here 0.001) AND when the prediction is not improving after the last iteration.

Linkage to care

Linkage to care uses the same functions but all 3 parameters and targets are fitted at once. This here implies that a single model is fitted for all the data. It works very well in this specific case as the relationship between linkage to care and treatment uptake rate is consistent over the three groups.

HIV prevalence

HIV prevalence and transmission scale is harder to calibrate as the 3 parameters and outputs are linked together.

At each iteration the squared error over all 3 targets is calculated for each proposal. The ranges for the next round of proposals are the ranges of these best 30% proposals of the previous rounds. The function factory here is make_proposer_se_range. It takes a retain_prop argument that governs which proportion of the simulations are used to define the new ranges.

The calibration is considered done when 100 simulations where the 3 outputs are less than thresholds away from there respective targets. The determ_end_thresh function factory allow us to define the number of good simulations required and the thresholds for each output.

Running a calibration system

Now that all the pieces are ready, we can setup the workflow using the slurmworkflow package.

This will allow the HPC to run the calibration steps in a loop until the calibration is finished.

The following script setup a complete calibration workflow with what was defined so far.

The main thing you may want to change in this script is the batch_size variable that governs how many sims are run in parallel on a single cluster. On the RSPH HPC we set it to 8. Therefore, 50 batches of 8 are submitted to slurm at once to make the 400 simulations requested per iteration.

A mail is sent if a job fails or at the end of the 3rd calibration step. This latter indicate that the calibration process is done.


# Define the `model` function
model <- function(proposal) {
  # Load all required elements

  epistats <- readRDS("data/input/epistats.rds")
  netstats <- readRDS("data/input/netstats.rds")
  est      <- readRDS("data/input/netest.rds")

  param <-
    data.frame.params = read.csv("data/input/params.csv"),
    netstats          = netstats,
    epistats          = epistats

  init <- init_msm()

  control <- control_msm(
    nsteps = 52 * 60,
    nsims  = 1,
    ncores = 1

  # Proposal to scenario -------------------------------------------------------
  scenario <- EpiModelHPC::swfcalib_proposal_to_scenario(proposal)
  param_sc <- EpiModel::use_scenario(param, scenario)

  # Run the simulation ---------------------------------------------------------
  sim <- netsim(est, param_sc, init, control)

  # Process the results  -------------------------------------------------------
  results <- as_tibble(sim) |>
    mutate_calibration_targets() |>
    filter(time >= max(time) - 52) |>
      cc.dx.B, cc.dx.H, cc.dx.W,
      cc.linked1m.B, cc.linked1m.H, cc.linked1m.W,
      i.prev.dx.B, i.prev.dx.H, i.prev.dx.W,
    ) |>
    summarise(across( everything(), ~ mean(.x, na.rm = TRUE)))

  # Return the one row `tibble`

# Create the `calib_object`
n_sims  <- 400
calib_object <- list(
  config = list(
    simulator = model,
    default_proposal = dplyr::tibble(
      hiv.test.rate_1   = 0.004123238,
      hiv.test.rate_2   = 0.003771226,
      hiv.test.rate_3   = 0.005956663,
      tx.init.rate_1    = 0.2981623,
      tx.init.rate_2    = 0.3680919,
      tx.init.rate_3    = 0.358254,
      hiv.trans.scale_1 = 2.470962,
      hiv.trans.scale_2 = 0.4247816,
      hiv.trans.scale_3 = 0.3342994
    root_directory = "data/calib",
    max_iteration = 100,
    n_sims = n_sims
  waves = list(
    wave1 = list(
      job1 = list(
        targets = "cc.dx.B",
        targets_val = 0.847,
        params = c("hiv.test.rate_1"), # target: 0.00385
        initial_proposals = dplyr::tibble(
          hiv.test.rate_1 = seq(0.002, 0.006, length.out = n_sims),
        make_next_proposals = swfcalib::make_shrink_proposer(n_sims, shrink = 2),
        get_result = swfcalib::determ_poly_end(0.001, poly_n = 5)
      job2 = list(
        targets = "cc.dx.H",
        targets_val = 0.818,
        params = c("hiv.test.rate_2"), # target: 0.0038
        initial_proposals = dplyr::tibble(
          hiv.test.rate_2 = seq(0.002, 0.006, length.out = n_sims),
        make_next_proposals = swfcalib::make_shrink_proposer(n_sims, shrink = 2),
        get_result = swfcalib::determ_poly_end(0.001, poly_n = 5)
      job3 = list(
        targets = "cc.dx.W",
        targets_val = 0.862,
        params = c("hiv.test.rate_3"), # target: 0.0069
        initial_proposals = dplyr::tibble(
          hiv.test.rate_3 = seq(0.004, 0.008, length.out = n_sims),
        make_next_proposals = swfcalib::make_shrink_proposer(n_sims, shrink = 2),
        get_result = swfcalib::determ_poly_end(0.001, poly_n = 5)
      job4 = list(
        targets = paste0("cc.linked1m.", c("B", "H", "W")),
        targets_val = c(0.829, 0.898, 0.881),
        params = paste0("tx.init.rate_", 1:3),
        initial_proposals = dplyr::tibble(
          tx.init.rate_1 = sample(seq(0.1, 0.5, length.out = n_sims)),
          tx.init.rate_2 = sample(tx.init.rate_1),
          tx.init.rate_3 = sample(tx.init.rate_1),
        make_next_proposals = swfcalib::make_shrink_proposer(n_sims, shrink = 2),
        get_result = swfcalib::determ_poly_end(0.001, poly_n = 3)
    wave2 = list(
      job1 = list(
        targets = paste0("i.prev.dx.", c("B", "H", "W")),
        targets_val = c(0.33, 0.127, 0.09),
        params = paste0("hiv.trans.scale_", 1:3),
        initial_proposals = dplyr::tibble(
          hiv.trans.scale_1 = sample(seq(1, 4, length.out = n_sims)),
          hiv.trans.scale_2 = sample(seq(0.2, 0.6, length.out = n_sims)),
          hiv.trans.scale_3 = sample(seq(0.2, 0.6, length.out = n_sims))
        make_next_proposals =
          swfcalib::make_proposer_se_range(n_sims, retain_prop = 0.3),
        get_result = swfcalib::determ_end_thresh(
          thresholds = rep(0.02, 3),
          n_enough = 100

# Workflow ---------------------------------------------------------------------

# Use preconfigured HPC settings
hpc_configs <- EpiModelHPC::swf_configs_rsph(
  partition = "epimodel",
  r_version = "4.3",
  mail_user = "<your_user>"

wf <- create_workflow(
  wf_name = "Vignette_auto_calib",
  default_sbatch_opts = hpc_configs$default_sbatch_opts

# Calibration step 1
wf <- add_workflow_step(
  wf_summary = wf,
  step_tmpl = step_tmpl_do_call(
    what = swfcalib::calibration_step1,
    args = list(
      n_cores = 8,
      calib_object = calib_object
    setup_lines = hpc_configs$r_loader
  sbatch_opts = list(
    "cpus-per-task" = 8,
    "time" = "00:20:00",
    "mem-per-cpu" = "4G",
    "mail-type" = "FAIL"

# Calibration step 2
batch_size <- 8
batch_numbers <- swfcalib:::get_batch_numbers(calib_object, batch_size)
wf <- add_workflow_step(
  wf_summary = wf,
  step_tmpl = step_tmpl_map(
    FUN = swfcalib::calibration_step2,
    batch_num = batch_numbers,
    setup_lines = hpc_configs$r_loader,
    max_array_size = 500,
    MoreArgs = list(
      n_cores = batch_size,
      n_batches = max(batch_numbers),
      calib_object = calib_object
  sbatch_opts = list(
    "cpus-per-task" = batch_size,
    "time" = "05:00:00",
    "mem-per-cpu" = "5G",
    "mail-type" = "FAIL"

# Calibration step 3
wf <- add_workflow_step(
  wf_summary = wf,
  step_tmpl = step_tmpl_do_call(
    what = swfcalib::calibration_step3,
    args = list(
      calib_object = calib_object
    setup_lines = hpc_configs$r_loader
  sbatch_opts = list(
    "cpus-per-task" = 1,
    "time" = "00:20:00",
    "mem-per-cpu" = "8G",
    "mail-type" = "END"