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slurmworkflow is a package to construct workflows on a SLURM equipped High Performance Computer (HPC). In this vignette, a workflow refers to a set of tasks to be executed on the HPC, one after the other.

We will describe how to construct and use workflows using the EpiModel/EpiModelHIV-Template project.

This project uses renv and requires access to the EpiModelHIV-p private repository. This vignette assumes that your project is hosted on a git repository checked out on your local computer and on the HPC.

This vignette will use the Rollins School of Public Health (RSPH) High Performance Computing cluster (HPC) from Emory University as an example.

Structure of an Applied EpiModelHIV Project

The R scripts are all located in the “R/” subdirectory and are using the following naming conventions:

  • “01-snake_case_name.R”: steps to be run locally in a given order.
  • “workflow_01-snake_case_names.R”: scripts creating workflow directories to be sent on the HPC.
  • “utils-snake_case_name.R”: utility scripts to be sourced by the steps or workflows. They limit code repetition.

The “data/” directory contains:

  • “data/input/”: files required by the project before any code is ran. These files are tracked by git.
  • “data/intermediate/”: raw files produced and used by the code. They are not tracked by git.
  • “data/output/”: final results, tables, graphs. Tracked by git.

General Steps in a Applied EpiModelHIV Project

These applied projects aim to accurately represent the population of Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) from the Atlanta Metro area. And then simulate how the HIV epidemic would behave under different intervention scenarios.

A (massive) oversimplification of the project would be to see it as the following 3 steps:

  1. Estimate the social networks modeling the population interactions.
  2. Calibrate the epidemic model to match key epidemiological targets.
  3. Run the model under intervention scenarios to assess their effects on the epidemic.

Local vs HPC Context

All the numbered scripts (“R/01-snake_case_name.R”) are meant to be executed on your local computer. They allow you to explore all the steps and substeps on small networks with few replications. Most of them define a context variable at the top. This variable takes the value “local” or “hpc” and is use to set the context of the computation: - “local”: Uses small networks and few replications, unfit for publication. This is used to test the code and processes. - “hpc”: Uses full size networks and many replications. This is used to produce the analysis for publication. Once the code has been validated locally.

A lot of the numbered scripts are re-used by the workflows with the context variable set to “hpc”.

The goal is: if your scripts run locally, they should run on the HPC without modification.

Network Estimation and Diagnostics


This project simulates HIV dynamics on a population of 100 000 individuals. The first step is to estimate 3 networks of 100 000 nodes representing respectively main, casual and one off partnerships. This step will happen in the script “R/01-networks_estimation.R”. Afterwards we will want to diagnose the estimations using the script “R/02-networks_diagnostics.R” and finally explore these diagnostics interactively in the script “R/03-networks_diagnostics_explore.R”.

You should run these 3 scripts locally and make sure you understand what they do. Without modification, the context variable will be set to “local” and produce fast “Stochastic-Approximation” for 5k nodes networks.

NOTE: You should run each script in a fresh R console each time to avoid starting with a polluted environment that will lead to very complicated debugging. In RStudio: Ctrl-Shift-F10 or .rs.restartR() (aliased to rs() in the project). Do not do: rm(list = ls()) instead, it does not do the same thing and should not be used.

Defining the “networks_estimation” workflow

Now that you have run the 3 scripts locally, we will define an HPC workflow to run the first 2 parts, networks estimation and networks diagnostics, with 100k nodes networks with the full MCMLE estimation method. Trying to run this locally will take multiple days and probably crash your computer before ending.

Instead, we will create a workflow locally, send it to the HPC, run it there and collect the results for analysis.

The script “R/workflow_01-networks_estimation.R” is responsible to the creation of the first workflow. We will walk through it block by block to understand the basics of slurmworkflow.


A workflow exists on your computer as a directory inside the “workflows/” directory of your project. Our first workflow is called “networks_estimation” and will live in “workflows/networks_estimation/”.

First we load the required libraries and source the “R/utils-0_project_settings.R”.

# Libraries --------------------------------------------------------------------

# Settings ---------------------------------------------------------------------

This last script contains variable used throughout the project. You should make sure that the current_git_branch is correct and put your emai address in mail_user. This way the HPC will send you a mail when the workflow is finished.

Then we set a max_cores variable to 10. This will be the number of CPU cores to be used for the network estimations. 10 usually works fine.

max_cores <- 10
source("./R/utils-hpc_configs.R") # creates `hpc_configs`

The “R/utils-hpc_configs.R” script contains helper functions to simplify the HPC setup. Here is the part that should be uncommented for using the RSPH cluster:

# Must be sourced **AFTER** "./R/utils-0_project_settings.R"

hpc_configs <- EpiModelHPC::swf_configs_rsph(
  partition = "epimodel",
  r_version = "4.2.1",
  mail_user = mail_user

We use the EpiModelHPC::swf_configs_rsph helper function to create the hpc_configs objects that will holds some pre-defined configurations. We specify that we want to work on the “epimodel” partition and that e-mails telling us when the jobs are done should be sent to “”.

Note: the HPC is using the Slurm workflow manager to allocate tasks to computing nodes. The EpiModel partition allocate jobs to nodes reserved for the EpiModel team. The other option is preemptable, where you can use any empty node but may be kicked out if a reserved node is preempted by someone.

Creating the workflow

The slurmworkflow::create_workflow function takes 2 mandatory arguments:

  1. wf_name: the name of the new workflow
  2. default_sbatch_opts: a list of default options for the sbatch command. They will be shared among all steps.
# Workflow creation ------------------------------------------------------------
wf <- create_workflow(
  wf_name = "networks_estimation",
  default_sbatch_opts = hpc_configs$default_sbatch_opts

Here we created a workflow called “networks_estimation” and use the sbatch options stored in hpc_configs$default_sbatch_opts.

#> list(
#>   "partition" = "epimodel",
#>   "mail-type" = "FAIL"
#>   "mail-user" = ""
#> )

It specifies that we want to use the “epimodel” partition and that an e-mail should be sent if a task fails.

With this we have created the directory “workflows/networks_estimation” and stored a summary of it in the wf variable. For now our workflow has no steps.

notes: SLURM configuration can vary, on HYAK for instance there is an accounting module and we would have to specify the “account” option). An equivalent swf_configs_hyak function exists for the HYAK ecosystem. - default_sbatch_opts and sbatch_opts parameters accept all the options for sbatch starting with “–”. (e.g. “account” is valid but “A” is not, as it corresponds to the “-A” shorthand) - If a “workflows/networks_estimation” directory already exists, create_workflow will throw an error. You have to delete the previous versions of the workflow yourself if you want to overwrite them.

Adding of a renv::restore Step

Before running the actual calculation, we want to make sure that the project on the HPC is up to date with the right packages version. It translates to running git pull on the HPC and renv::restore() from the project.

To do this we will add a step to the workflow. The slurmworkflow::add_workflow_step take 2 mandatory arguments:

  1. wf_summary: a summary of the workflow to edit (the wf variable)
  2. step_tmpl: a step template. These are made by a special kind of functions from slurmworkflow.

Here we will also use the optional sbatch_opts arguments to override some of the default options defined above.

# Update RENV on the HPC -------------------------------------------------------
wf <- add_workflow_step(
  wf_summary = wf,
  step_tmpl = step_tmpl_renv_restore(
    git_branch = current_git_branch,
    setup_lines = hpc_configs$r_loader
  sbatch_opts = hpc_configs$renv_sbatch_opts

The step template here is from the function EpiModelHPC::step_tmpl_renv_restore which takes two arguments:

  1. git_branch: the branch that the repository must follow. If the branch followed (on the HPC) is not the right one, the step will stop there to avoid potential data loss and undefined behaviors. Here we use the current_git_branch variable defined in “R/utils-0_project_settings.R”.
  2. setup_lines: some boilerplate bash code to allow running R code on the HPC.

Internally this function sets up an sbatch task that will run git pull and renv::restore() on the HPC.

For this specific task we need to change some of the sbatch options using hpc_configs$renv_sbatch_opts.

#> list(
#> "mem" = "16G",
#> "cpus-per-task" = 4,
#> "time" = 120
#> )

It asks for 16GB of RAM, 4 CPUs and tell SLURM that the job should take less than 120 minutes.

We assigned the result of the call to wf (wf <- add_workflow_step(...)), and the function modified the “workflows/networks_estimation/” folder.

notes: on the MOX cluster from HYAK, renv_sbatch_opts would also changes the partition to “build” as on MOX the “default” partition does not have internet access.

Addition of the estimation Step

Now that we ensured that the project will be up to date on the HPC, we want to run the “R/01-networks_estimation.R” script there with context <- "hpc".

To do this we add another step with slurmworkflow::add_workflow_step but with a different step template.

# Estimate the networks --------------------------------------------------------
wf <- add_workflow_step(
  wf_summary = wf,
  step_tmpl = step_tmpl_do_call_script(
    r_script = "./R/01-networks_estimation.R",
    args = list(
      context = "hpc",
      estimation_method = "MCMLE",
      estimation_ncores = max_cores
    setup_lines = hpc_configs$r_loader
  sbatch_opts = list(
    "cpus-per-task" = max_cores,
    "time" = "24:00:00",
    "mem" = "0"

slurmworkflow::step_tmpl_do_call_script template sets up a step to run the script located on the HPC under the path r_script, here “R/01-networks_estimation.R”, with some variables pre-defined. We set the following variables: - context = "hpc": signals the script to use the “hpc” settings. - estimation_method = "MCMLE": we want the slower but more accurate estimation method. - estimation_ncores = max_cores: this estimation method benefits from being parallelized. (more that 10 cores can slow things down significantly).

If you take a look at the “R/01-networks_estimation.R” script, you will see that estimation_method and estimation_ncores are set if context == "local" but not for “hpc”. Thanks to our step template they will be defined when the script run as part of the workflow.

note: The syntax of step_tmpl_do_call_script to pass arguments to a script is similar to the one of

Important note: Some users like to clear their R environment by placing rm(list = ls()) at the start of their scripts. In addition to it being discouraged generally, it will actually prevent a script to work with step_tmpl_do_call_script as it deletes the variable at the start of the script. Restarting the R session or using the callr package are better alternatives when working interactively.

Finally, we also provide the setup_lines as before and some new sbatch_opts. As no “partition” option is provided, it will default to “epimodel” (using the values set in create_workflow at the beginning.

This step will write 3 files on the HPC: (see the script itself for details)

  1. “data/intermediate/estimates/epistats-hpc.rds”
  2. “data/intermediate/estimates/netstats-hpc.rds”
  3. “data/intermediate/estimates/netest-hpc.rds”

Addition of the diagnostics Step

Finally we want to generate diagnostics for these networks with “R/02-networks_diagnostics.R”.

# Generate the diagnostics data ------------------------------------------------
wf <- add_workflow_step(
  wf_summary = wf,
  step_tmpl = step_tmpl_do_call_script(
    r_script = "./R/02-networks_diagnostics.R",
    args = list(
      context = "hpc",
      ncores = max_cores,
      nsims = 50
    setup_lines = hpc_configs$r_loader
  sbatch_opts = list(
    "cpus-per-task" = max_cores,
    "time" = "04:00:00",
    "mem-per-cpu" = "4G",
    "mail-type" = "FAIL,END"

This step uses the same template as before, with 3 variables passed to the script: context, ncores and nsteps.

As it is the last step of this workflow we override the “mail-type” sbatch option to receive a mail when this step ends. We do so to be notified when the workflow is finished.

This step will write 3 files on the HPC: (see the script itself for details)

  1. “data/intermediate/calibration/netdx-main-hpc.rds”
  2. “data/intermediate/calibration/netdx-casl-hpc.rds”
  3. “data/intermediate/calibration/netdx-inst-hpc.rds”

Using the “estimation” workflow on the RSPH HPC

Now that our estimation workflow is set up, we need to send it to the HPC, run it and download the results.

We assume that the “workflows/” and “data/intermediate/” directories are not tracked by git (using “.gitignore” for example) and that the user has an SSH access to the HPC.

We will use scp to copy the folder over to the HPC as it is available on Windows, MacOS and GNU/Linux.

In this example, the “EpiModelHIV-Template” repository is located at “~/projects/EpiModelHIV-Template” on the HPC.

Before sending the workflow, make sure that the project on the HPC has renv initialized. This means running renv::init() from the root of the project on the HPC.

Sending the workflow to the HPC

If you have never used the command line before, we recommend using the terminal from RStudio (not the R console).

Everything written <between angle brackets> is to be replaced with the correct value.

You should make sure to understand what each part of the commands do before running them. It will make your life easier.

The following commands are to be run from your local computer.

MacOS or GNU/Linux

# bash - local
scp -r workflows/networks_estimation <user>


# bash - local
scp -r workflows\networks_estimation <user>

Forgetting set DISPLAY= will prevent scp from working correctly.

Note that its workflows\networks_estimation. Windows uses back-slashes for directories and Unix OSes uses forward-slashes.

Running the workflow from the HPC

For this step, you must be at the command line on the HPC. This means that you have run: ssh <user> from your local computer.

run set DISPLAY= on Windows before if you get this error: ssh_askpass: posix_spawnp: No such file or directory

You also need to be at the root directory of the project (where the “.git” folder is as well as the “renv.lock” file”. In this example you would get there by running $ cd ~/projects/EpiModelHIV-Template. The following steps will not work if you are not at the root of your project.

Running the workflow is done by executing the file “workflows/estimation/” with the following command:

# bash - hpc

If you are using Windows, the may not be executable. You can solve it with the following command:

# bash - hpc
chmod +x workflows/estimation/`

The workflow will not work if you source the file (with source <script> or . <script>).

Downloading the Results for Analysis

Granting that the workflow worked correctly, you should receive a mail telling you that the last step ended with exit code 0 (success, or 0 errors).

We want to download the “data/intermediate/estimates/” and “data/intermediate/diagnostics/” directories back to our local machine:

These command are to be run from your local machine, not from the SSH session on the HPC.

MacOs or GNU/Linux

# bash - local
scp -r <user> data/intermediate/
scp -r <user> data/intermediate/


Same notes as before for Windows

# bash - local
scp -r <user> data\intermediate\
scp -r <user> data\intermediate\

We can now run the R script “03-diagnostics_explore.R” to see if everything is correct. Don’t forget to set the context to “hpc” at the top of the file to assess the right networks.

Running Intervention Scenarios of the Model

We will skip directly to intervention scenarios workflow as the process is very similar for calibration.

At this point, we assume that you have a “data/intermediate/estimates/restart-hpc.rds” file and a bunch of scenarios defined in “data/input/scenarios.csv”

Further, we will not differentiate the command line from MacOS, GNU/Linux and Windows anymore.We will present only the UNIX version and Windows user can apply the same rules as previously when required.


Here we will define a 3 steps workflow: 1. a renv_update step as before. 2. a set nrep replications of each scenario. 3. a processing step.

Defining the “intervention_scenarios” workflow

The script “R/workflow_05-intervention_scenario.R” is responsible of the creation of this workflow.

Setup, Creation and renv::restore

# Libraries --------------------------------------------------------------------

# Settings ---------------------------------------------------------------------
context <- "hpc"
max_cores <- 32

source("./R/utils-default_inputs.R") # make `path_to_est`, `param` and `init`
source("./R/utils-hpc_configs.R") # creates `hpc_configs`

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Workflow creation
wf <- create_workflow(
  wf_name = "intervention_scenarios",
  default_sbatch_opts = hpc_configs$default_sbatch_opts

# Update RENV on the HPC
wf <- add_workflow_step(
  wf_summary = wf,
  step_tmpl = step_tmpl_renv_restore(
    git_branch = current_git_branch,
    setup_lines = hpc_configs$r_loader
  sbatch_opts = hpc_configs$renv_sbatch_opts

We go quickly on this part as it is similar to the previous workflow. If you tested the numbered script locally, all the sourced files should make sense to you.

Addition of the simulation Step

This step assumes that you know how to run an EpiModel network simulation. This part is similar to the local script “R/40-intervention_scenarios.R”.

Terminology: - simulation: One run of an epidemic model. - scenario: a set of parameters for a simulation. See vignette("Working with Model Parameters", package = "EpiModel") - batch: a set of ncores simulations to be run on a single cluster node. They all share the same scenario.

In this step we need the path_to_restart, param, init and control objects as for a the EpiModelHPC::netsim_scenarios call. They are loaded from “R/utils-default_inputs.R”.

The control object differs from it’s usual form as the nsims and ncores argument will be overridden by the workflow.

# Controls
control <- control_msm(
  start               = restart_time,
  nsteps              = intervention_end,
  nsims               = 1,
  ncores              = 1,
  initialize.FUN      = reinit_msm,
  cumulative.edgelist = TRUE,
  truncate.el.cuml    = 0,
  .tracker.list       = calibration_trackers,
  verbose             = FALSE

As in other scripts, the restart_time and intervention_end are loaded from the “R/utils-0_project_settings” script.

Note that for these simulations we restart note from time zero but from a previous simulation. Therefore we need to specify a different initialize.FUN to handle the restarting process. reinit_msm is such a function in EpiModelHIV-p.

We then load a tibble of 2 scenarios found in “data/input/scenarios.csv” and transform it into a scenario list.

scenarios_df <- readr::read_csv("./data/input/scenarios.csv")
scenarios_list <- EpiModel::create_scenario_list(scenarios_df)

To account for the variability in our models, we want each scenario to be run 120 times. (usually 500 to 1000 times for the final paper).

As before we use add_workflow_step to create the step. This time we use the step template EpiModelHPC::step_tmpl_netsim_scenarios. It takes as arguments:

  • path_to_est, param, init, and control. path_to_est is the where the workflow should look for the est file on the HPC. Here we will pass path_to_restart which is “data/intermediate/estimates/restart-hpc.rds”
  • scenarios_list: the list of scenarios produced by create_scenario_list
  • output_dir: a path to a directory to store the results
  • libraries: a character vector of the libraries required to run the model. here we only need “EpiModelHIV”
  • save_pattern: what part of the sim object should be kept. Simple will keep only epi, param and control. Other values can be used in other use cases.
  • n_rep: the number of time each scenarios must be simulated. (here 120)
  • n_cores: the number of cores to be used on each node
  • max_array_size is detailed below but a value of 500 is usually fine.
  • setup_lines: same as before.
wf <- add_workflow_step(
  wf_summary = wf,
  step_tmpl = step_tmpl_netsim_scenarios(
    path_to_restart, param, init, control,
    scenarios_list = scenarios_list,
    output_dir = "./data/intermediate/scenarios",
    libraries = "EpiModelHIV",
    save_pattern = "simple",
    n_rep = 120,
    n_cores = max_cores,
    max_array_size = 500,
    setup_lines = hpc_configs$r_loader
  sbatch_opts = list(
    "mail-type" = "FAIL,TIME_LIMIT",
    "cpus-per-task" = max_cores,
    "time" = "04:00:00",
    "mem" = 0

This step will run the simulations and save the result to output_dir using the following format: paste0("sim__", scenario[["id"]], "__", batch_num, ".rds").

As we are running the simulations on 32 core machines, each scenario will be run over 4 batches, with the last one containing only 24 simulations to get to the desired 120. (3 * 32 + 24 == 120).

NOTE: The max_array_size argument allow us to constrain how many runs could be submitted as once. On RSPH HPC one is limited to around 1000 job submission at a time. Trying to submit more will result on SLURM rejecting all the jobs. To prevent this, slurmworkflow will split the job into parts that will be submitted automatically one after the other. If the length of scenarios_list was 3 000, max_array_size = 500 would split it in 6 parts were each part would not be submitted before the previous one is over.

Addition of the processing Step

Now that all the batches have been run we will process them and create a small summary tibble to be downloaded and evaluated locally.

We return to step_tmpl_do_call_script for this steps.

# Process calibrations
# produce a data frame with the calibration targets for each scenario
wf <- add_workflow_step(
  wf_summary = wf,
  step_tmpl = step_tmpl_do_call_script(
    r_script = "./R/41-intervention_scenarios_process.R",
    args = list(
      context = "hpc",
      ncores = 15
    setup_lines = hpc_configs$r_loader
  sbatch_opts = list(
    "cpus-per-task" = max_cores,
    "time" = "04:00:00",
    "mem-per-cpu" = "4G",
    "mail-type" = "END"

The arguments we pass to the script are ncores, how many cores to use as this step will process the files in parallel using the future.apply package, and context = "hpc" as before.

This script will save two file: 1. “data/intermediate/scenarios/assessments_raws.rds” 2. “data/intermediate/scenarios/assessments.rds”

See the script itself to see what it does.

Using the “intervention_scenarios” workflow on the RSPH HPC

We send the workflow as before with:

# bash - local
scp -r workflows/intervention_scenarios <user>

run it from our project directory on the HPC with:

# bash - hpc

and finally we download the results for evaluation:

# bash - local
scp -r <user> data/intermediate/calibration/
scp -r <user> data/intermediate/scenarios/

We can now use these files as we please locally.