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EpiModel refers to its nodes either by positional identifiers (posit_ids), which describe the position of a node in the attr vector, or by unique identifiers (unique_ids), which allow references to nodes even after they are deactivated.


get_unique_ids(dat, posit_ids = NULL)

get_posit_ids(dat, unique_ids = NULL)



Main netsim_dat object containing a networkDynamic object and other initialization information passed from netsim.


A vector of node positional identifiers (default = NULL).


A vector of node unique identifiers (default = NULL).


A vector of unique or positional identifiers.

All elements

When unique_ids or posit_ids is NULL (default) the full list of positional IDs or unique IDs is returned.

Deactivated nodes

When providing unique_ids of deactivated nodes to get_posit_ids, NAs are returned instead and a warning is produced.