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Checks for consistency in the implied network statistics of a two-group network in which the group size and group-specific degree distributions are specified.


check_degdist_bal(num.g1, num.g2, deg.dist.g1, deg.dist.g2)



Number of nodes in group 1.


Number of nodes in group 2.


Vector with fractional degree distribution for group 1.


Vector with fractional degree distribution for group 2.


This function outputs the number of nodes of degree 0 to g, where g is the length of a fractional degree distribution vector, given that vector and the size of the group. This utility is used to check for balance in implied degree given that fractional distribution within two-group network simulations, in which the degree-constrained counts must be equal across groups.


# An unbalanced distribution
check_degdist_bal(num.g1 = 500, num.g2 = 500,
                  deg.dist.g2 = c(0.40, 0.55, 0.03, 0.02),
                  deg.dist.g1 = c(0.48, 0.41, 0.08, 0.03))
#> Degree Distribution Check
#> =============================================
#>         g1.dist   g1.cnt   g2.dist   g2.cnt
#> Deg0       0.48      240      0.40      200
#> Deg1       0.41      205      0.55      275
#> Deg2       0.08       40      0.03       15
#> Deg3       0.03       15      0.02       10
#> Edges      1.00      330      1.00      335
#> =============================================
#> ** Group 1 Edges < Group 2 Edges: -0.015 Rel Diff 

# A balanced distribution
check_degdist_bal(num.g1 = 500, num.g2 = 500,
                  deg.dist.g1 = c(0.40, 0.55, 0.04, 0.01),
                  deg.dist.g2 = c(0.48, 0.41, 0.08, 0.03))
#> Degree Distribution Check
#> =============================================
#>         g1.dist   g1.cnt   g2.dist   g2.cnt
#> Deg0       0.40      200      0.48      240
#> Deg1       0.55      275      0.41      205
#> Deg2       0.04       20      0.08       40
#> Deg3       0.01        5      0.03       15
#> Edges      1.00      330      1.00      330
#> =============================================
#> ** Edges balanced **