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This function defines and initializes the fuzzynodematch ERGM term that allows for generalized homophily.


InitErgmTerm.fuzzynodematch(nw, arglist, ...)



An object of class network.


A list of arguments as specified in the ergm.userterms package framework.


Additional data passed into the function as specified in the ergm.userterms package framework.


This ERGM user term was written to allow for generalized homophily.The attr term argument should specify a character vertex attribute encoding the "venues" associated to each node. The split argument should specify a string that separates different "venues" in the attribute value for each node, as handled by strsplit with fixed = TRUE. For example, if split is "|" (the default), and the attribute value for a given node is "a12|b476", then the associated venues for this node are "a12" and "b476". The empty string "" is interpreted as "no venues".

If the binary term argument is FALSE (the default), the change statistic for an on-toggle is the number of unique venues associated to both nodes (informally speaking, this could be described as the number of venues on which the two nodes "match"); if binary is TRUE, the change statistic for an on-toggle is 1 if any venue is associated to both nodes, and 0 otherwise.